Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tertiary Glass-Sphere Bow

I have discovered a spectral reflection phenomenon inside a transparent plexiglass-sphere. The phenomenon, of which I am almost sure it is NOT the equivalent of the Primary or Secondary Rainbow, is in fact the equivalent of the Tertiary Rainbow, visible as a bright illuminating spectral colored ring all along the limb of the sphere. To see this ring, one should look "from behind" the sphere, toward the sun, with the sun "in front" of it (appearing exactly "in the centre" of the sphere).

The photo show the sphere with appearance of the red component of the spectrum. The distance of the observing eye (or camera's lens) to the sphere is VERY important, because the focal point of the ring is not a point, it's a spectral colored line (red at the far end, blue at the near end).

As far as I know, no one has ever observed or photographed the ring-like appearance of, what I call, the Tertiary Glass-sphere Bow (which has a focal point or "line", behind the globe!).

Author: Danny Caes, Ghent-Belgium

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