While at work I was on break time I took some blast sand out of the sand blaster and scattered it on the ground and I happened to look down and saw a bright bow around the head of my shadow. The bow is like a rainbow but the higher refractive index of glass made a bow with a radius of 28 degrees rather than 42 for a water drop rainbow. Look for these glass bead bows on reflective signs and freshly painted black top.
Nice bow Michael. The radius of glass bead bows is about 21 degrees, depending on the type of glass.
Michael, your work breaks are very productive. Nice shot.
21 degrees? I always thought it was 28 I need to revise that on my homepage. In some ways Les it reminds me of the road paint bow I got in the smokey MTNS in 2003 when new road edge lines were being painted
And Marko the productive work breaks I like the way you say that because during break time you can do that so long you got camera.
28° - Yes, for some reason that figure is also stuck in my mind. I just happened to be preparing the diagram for Gunther's seawater bow when I read yours and had to go away and double check!
Michael - I've mailed a little spreadsheet to compute rainbow angles. Glass of n~1.5 will be nearer 22-23 deg.
Yeah I got it but I don't have MS Spreadsheet I have MS word only
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