The white dots are wind dispersing seeds, probably of some willow species. They are more abundant in the lower image, which was taken in town. The upper image was shot in the midst of pine heath, with correspondingly less white fluffs in the air.
On 13. June 2006 in Eastern Finland. Larger sized versions are here.
Assuming that the green disk on your image is the sun then the corona can be matched by one produced by spheres ~46 micron mean diameter. How does that compare with pollen samples?
Wow Marko I wish we had some of those coronas from pollen like that but we don't. One day however I was sneezin bad at work and looked up and saw a faint pollen corona and I had the camera and got a few pics. I don't know what type of pollen made it though but it was interesting.
I can't seem to find any info on our Pinus sylvestris pollen size from the internet. Anyway, here is great site for photos. You can even download a book of pollen, 574 pages.
On this site are photos of Pinus nigra pollen, that also grows in Turkey. The pollen size is referred as 51-100 um.
In the pollen corona WWW pages of
Ursa atmospheric optical phenomena section stands for pine pollen:
65-80 by 45-50 micron
The grain is far from spherical shape.
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