Monday, December 31, 2007
Silver Fir Diffraction

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Shadow Rays above Pithead Rig

The picture was taken at about 10 a.m., one hour after sunrise. As the sun elevation was still very low, the shadow of the pithead rig was projected upwards and became visible as a beam of shadow rays in a thin layer of mist near the ground. A similar phenomenon can sometimes be seen above a pylon or tower, but there only one single dark ray appears. The shape of the pithead rig, however, made a beam of four shadow rays appear.
Author: Peter Krämer, Bochum, Germany
Colours on fissures in ice

The colours are probably caused by interference. Light enters the ice and is reflected to and fro between the edges of the fissures. So there are differences in the time the light needs to cover the distance between the ice and the eye of the observer. This causes light waves to amplify or extinguish each other. This is what we perceive as colours.
There is no direct sunlight necessary for this effect (1 2), but it can increase it enormeously (3 4).
Author: Reinhard Nitze, Barsinghausen, Germany
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
St. Elmo's fire in Switzerland
On Nov/14/2007 between 18:00 and 19:00 CET St. Elmo's fire appeared on a tower at the summit of Mt. Gäbris in Switzerland. The phenomenon was captured with a high sensitive video camera operated by Mark Vornhusen of Meteomedia, a private weather company.
There is a 25m metallic tower located on the summit of Mt. Gäbris (1241m). Three webcams are fixed on top of the tower, looking in different directions. One of these cameras shows a part of the tower, a metallic extension arm, in the outermost right corner of the image. St. Elmos's fire became visible at this extension arm.
The St. Elmo's fire developed during a snow thunderstorm. Only one lightning strike occurred during this storm. The strike is visible on the webcam images at 18:55 CET as a sudden flare of the image and was heard by the author, who lives 2km away from the summit. The lightning strike was not close to the tower, because the flare was not very bright. The cameras operate with a special software that is able to capture all bright objects on the night sky, even if the duration is only a fraction of a second (lightning, meteors).
The St. Elmo's fire was first visible on the webcam images at 18:05 CET and lasted about two minutes. The second and most intense appearance occurred between 18:40 and 18:50 CET, followed by the lightning strike at 18:55. During the 10 minute interval between 18:40 and 18:50 CET the weather station, which is also located on top of the tower, measured a wind gust of 75 m/s (270 km/h). This is obviously not a real wind speed. More likely it is an interference of the high voltage and the St. Elmo's fire to the anemometer. The ultrasonic anemometer uses sound speed to measure the wind speed ( http://thiesclima.de/usanemo.htm ).
To the authors knowledge it seems to be the first time ever St. Elmo's fire was imaged, at least a "classic" one that occurred on the ground and not during a flight on an airplane.

There is a 25m metallic tower located on the summit of Mt. Gäbris (1241m). Three webcams are fixed on top of the tower, looking in different directions. One of these cameras shows a part of the tower, a metallic extension arm, in the outermost right corner of the image. St. Elmos's fire became visible at this extension arm.
The St. Elmo's fire developed during a snow thunderstorm. Only one lightning strike occurred during this storm. The strike is visible on the webcam images at 18:55 CET as a sudden flare of the image and was heard by the author, who lives 2km away from the summit. The lightning strike was not close to the tower, because the flare was not very bright. The cameras operate with a special software that is able to capture all bright objects on the night sky, even if the duration is only a fraction of a second (lightning, meteors).

Monday, November 26, 2007
Animal Optics

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Fog shadow of TV tower in San Francisco

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A strange kind of glory

Another observation which might be related to mine, has been made on January 01, 2007 by Stefan Rubach on Mt Großer Arber.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Perspectively broken shadow

Monday, October 01, 2007
Colourful bacteria film

more pictures
Glowing Spider

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Shock wave refraction and iridescence over airplane wing

The first of these was a condensation cloud over the wing. The airplane was still ascending around 20,000 ft, when we flew through (super)saturated air. The faster airflow over the top surface of the wing and associated drop in pressure caused condensation. The cloud showed beautiful iridescent colors. The water droplets in the cloud were so small at this stage and all so uniform in size that they diffracted the light with constructive interference over large angles.

This droplet growth is responsible for the colored trail between the exhaust contrails that can sometimes be seen, as in the photos posted earlier. But most often, the air is either not supersaturated, or already condensed into a cloud. Then, no long trail forms (only the engine contrails perhaps), or it is not visible (within cloud). Therefore it is not common to see this effect, especially from ground.

The normal shock occurs because air flowing over the wing has to flow faster than below it, and this flow can briefly reach the speed of sound even if the jet airplane is flying slower than the speed of sound. Because the Mach number is about 1, the shock wave is almost perfectly vertically oriented, normal to the airflow.

The sharp density gradient at the shock wave causes a lateral mirage, but any miraging can only be seen if you are looking near grazing incidence along the shock plane (which is usually not perfectly planar but a little curved). The last two photos better show the miraging along the shock plane. Note the effect on the pylon of engine nr. 1.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
homemade reflected-light rainbow
Contrail Colours

There are more photos available in this topic. See Controll's collection of colourful contrails and another picture taken by Mónika Gyebnár-Landy.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Spider Web colours

Thie picture of light reflected from spider webs, looking on a direction towards the Sun, with 2-stop underexposure and the camera out of focus. Note the fact that, although the web strand is out of focus in the direction at right angles to the strand, the colour bands are sharp in a direction along the strand.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Resin Bow Effects

Author: Alan Clark
Reflected-light Rainbow

Author: Alan Clark
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Reflection of camera flash-light in a glass of white wine

During the superb birthday dinner, one of the people of the restaurant made a picture with a digital camera-with-flash-light, while we were toasting for the health and wealth of the hero of the feast.
Absolutely by chance, it happened, the flash-light of the camera reflected in the glass of white wine I raised for the toast (the yellow "light" clearly visible in the picture).
It seems, some people are just born for optics ...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Mysterious colours in the thistle seed
posted by Claudia Hinz & Les Cowley
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Reverse Lamp-Rainbow

Author: Achim Christoph
Monday, September 10, 2007
Divergent light fogbow

I also observed a very bright and colourful glory and took some close-ups.

http://www.mkruselphoto.com/content/bin/images/large/IMG_5446g.jpg at 24mm
http://www.mkruselphoto.com/content/bin/images/large/IMG_5445.jpg at 30mm
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Thin film interference on the water surface

In the city of Lahti there is a landfill hill from which base in some places flows iron rich water. The bottom of these ditches is rusty brown and water has a strong iron smell. In some locations the water surface is completely covered with a film that displays spectacular colors in cloudy weather. This film is caused by iron oxidizing bacteria. The bacteria itself resides in the water, but it produces on the water surface substances from which it hangs down like a chain of sausages. Iron oxide is one of these products and it may be the cause of colors.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Announcement of an eventual International Optical Meeting next year in The Hague The Netherlands

at the moment, Peter-Paul Hattinga Verschure and I are making preparing efforts for an eventual International Optical Meeting, next year in The Netherlands. Our first aims are:
- to find a proper location for the meeting, and
- bring in sky watchers, interested in the proposed meeting, as many as possible
In this stage, I have contact with the staff of the organization of the yearly Eurasian festival "Pasar Malam Besar" (P.M.B.), here in The Hague. The staff of the P.M.B. is interested in our project, and is inclined to give hospitality to an eventual International Optical Meeting 2008 in The Hague.
If you want to learn more about the preparing efforts concerning the proposed meeting, please click on this link.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Frank Nieuwenhuys
The Hague, The Netherlands
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Strange Rainbow

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Purple sun?

Notice that the sun appears to have been squashed vertically (due to atmospheric refraction).

The explanation for this phenomenon is that the CCD sensors used in digital cameras have their peak sensitivity in the infra-red - typically at a wavelength of about 1000 nm, which is well beyond visible spectrum of 400 - 700 nm. You can test the infra-red performance of your own digital camera by pointing a TV remote control at the lens of the camera from a distance of about 15 cm (6 inches). Most remote controls transmit infra-red at wavelengths of 850 - 1000 nm. Your camera viewfinder will probably show a purple light when you press a button on the remote control. The purple colour suggests that the red and blue sensors in the camera are sensitive to infra-red - but not the green sensor. Hence, the purple sun .....
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Algal optics

The algal films that display optical phenomena are clearly not as rare as have been thought. In the Baltic sea rocky islands about every 10th freshwater pool came with algal optics last summer. In Bulgaria, the species Chromophyton rosanoffii, which is responsible for the phenomena in the photo, has been described as common.
When it has not been raining for some days, go look for any freshwater ponds, puddles and pools. If the water surface is covered by a thin film, chances are that some sort of optical phenomena is visible in the sun light.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Flag corona

Sunday, April 08, 2007
Green and Blue Flash

Why a blue flash?

A green rim of the setting or rising sun occurs due to differential refraction in the atmosphere. If conditions are extremely clear, also the blue light has a chance to get through, and there might be even a blueish rim. With a temperature inversion layer in the atmosphere, upper segments of the solar image might get separated from the rest of the solar disc. In the final moments of these elusive segments they do appear green and sometimes even blue (green or blue flash). However, it is not clear to me why in my observations both happens. Most last moments are green, whereas the third frame shows a blue color and at the same time other turbulent segments with a green color. Should not every segment turn from green to blue, at least in the very last visible moment?
Maybe something more than just clear air plays a role for a blue flash visibility!?
It is the first time I see green and blue flashes simultaneously in one image. I strongly encourage other observers to record video data to show these effects in higher time resolution.
See large image with blue flash
Image sequence with description
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Colours in the airplane window

What's the origin of this colours?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Reflected rainbows near Spitsbergen
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Rainbow season started early with a twinned primary
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Extremely bright cloud iridiscence in Spain

More pictures are here
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Mountain Mirage in Germany

In the morning of December 15, 2006, Rüdiger Manig could see the miraged Fichtelgebirge from the weather station at Neuhaus am Rennweg in Thuringia, which was situated directly above a sea of clouds when he made his observation. The distance between the Fichtelgebirge and Neuhaus am Rennweg is about 70 km. The photograph shows Mt Schneeberg (1053 m) on the left and Mt Ochsenkopf (1023 m) on the right.
On December 23, 2006, Stephan Rubach saw the Alps main ridge in a distance of more than a hundred km from Mt Grosser Arber (1456 m) in the Bavarian Forest. Also he stood above a sea of clouds when making his observation, and the layers of air of differnent temperatures let the peaks of the Alps grow upwards in an abstractly distorted way.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Winter Mirage in southern Finland

Timo was outside on that day hiking and taking some winter weekend photos. He had seen the mirage above frozen sea, distant island was "floating" on the air.
Temperature on that morning at his house in Espoo was -20°C. At the place where photo was taken, temperature was higher. Propably there has been enough of temperature differences in the air layers to produce this "winter mirage".
Monday, January 01, 2007
Fireworks corona

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